Rotary Club of Richmond Foundation Grant
Purpose of the Grant
Assist persons (high school age) in the Richmond area to acquire the vocational skills needed to succeed in fair pay, career-oriented employment. Deadline: TBA in fall on club website rvarotary.com.
Grant Application Criteria
Must address a current, well documented community need (see above) of which this grant would provide a significant portion of the total project costs. Must identify a measurable goal or outcome of the project to be funded and agree to report project results to the Rotary Club of Richmond Foundation within six months of completion. Must identify the nonprofit that would receive the grant including name, email address and phone number for a contact person at the nonprofit who can answer questions about the application.
Must be submitted through the Community Foundation online application system.
Applicants must be recognized by the IRS as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization and must be serving the greater Richmond community. Organizations will be subject to Community Foundation eligibility requirements and the Foundation will request documentation as needed. Applicants may also be a Rotary International identified project or charity partner. We regret we cannot accept applications for support of the following: religious institutions (that is, organizations or projects whose primary purpose is to advance a specific religion), private foundations, debt reduction or operational deficits, endowments or memorials, political activities, legal expenses, bridge funding or interim financing, colleges or universities, or individual or scholarship applications. For more information contact club member Chuck Duvall.