Our Member Stories
Hear from Rotary members what it means to them to be part of the Rotary Club of Richmond!
Alex Van Nuys, Design Consultant With Lanes Home and Remodeling in Richmond.
It is incredibly rewarding to be a member of a club that makes an effort to not only better the local Richmond area but abroad as well.
“I had no idea of the power of Rotary International. It is incredibly rewarding to be a member of a club that makes an effort to not only better the local Richmond area but abroad as well.”
“As a Virginia Tech alum, Ut Prosim “That I May Serve” has been instilled in me. The Rotary Club of Richmond is the perfect organization to continue to live that motto throughout my professional career. I am excited to be a member of a growing club that is impacting the world in such a positive way. It is invigorating to be apart of the next generation of Rotary International.”
Jake Crocker, Brand Consultant, Crocker Strategy LLC & Co-Owner of Lady N’Awlings Cajun Cafe
“After years of growing my own businesses and leading professional and civic organizations, I was looking for an opportunity to be part of an organization with a genuine commitment to service.”
“The weekly Tuesday luncheon meetings often serve as a personal motivation for me for the rest of the week and beyond.”
“I became a member in 2016. Since joining I have thoroughly enjoyed the opportunities to connect with other Rotarians, serve the community -especially with our Club's efforts to build wheelchair ramps for Project-Homes.”
Jon Hatfield, Chairs club’s Polio Plus Campaign
“I made a mental note to myself--if I wanted to be successful I had to join Rotary. Today, I am a die hard Rotarian”
“While I joined because I wanted to be successful, I stay in because it is the most positive organization in the world.”
“The best thing about Rotary is the fun we have in our meetings and the relationships we form with other Rotarians.”
Geoff Mcdonald, CEO & President of Geoff McDonald & Associates
“Rotary's motto, "Service Above Self" really hits home with me. We are so blessed to live in the United States and enjoy the freedoms and health care that we have here.”
“Over $500 million has been spent on the campaign so far. If every Rotarian, and other friends of this campaign, pushes forward just a little harder - we will reach our goal.”
“The personal friendships, the local projects to improve our city, and the international campaigns like Polio Plus make Rotary the club that I want to be a part of for life.”
John Delandro, Assistant VP of Merrill Edge
“Denny Pierce took the time to invest nearly two years of showing me how Rotary was important to the community and how The Rotary Club of Richmond was the best at it!”
“Once I saw the caliber of individuals in the club, I was convinced to join. I have been a member now for over 7 years.”
My wife Anna went to Costa Rica as a part of a humanitarian mission to bring books to children in Jicaral through the Give-A-Book Foundation. From supporting international efforts to eradicating Polio, to helping nonprofits to accomplish their local missions, Rotary supports!
Wande Tuktur, Research Associate with VCU School of Medicine, Division of Epidemiology
I joined Rotary 5 years ago through family connections. Many years ago my siblings and I accompanied our mom to social events organized by her local rotary club.
“I was motivated by the very passionate speakers who demonstrated how they used their professions to change the world for the better; I resolved to do likewise. Given my background in healthcare; I returned back to my local rotary club in Nigeria and became and participated actively in the polio eradication efforts at the time.”
“Listening to different speakers at the break-out sessions exposed the wider scope of Rotary, which includes: promoting world peace; alleviating poverty, improving education, fighting disease (to mention but a few).”