Our Next Speaker

Brandon Butterworth, VP, Philanthropic Services, Community Foundation

Brandon works with donors throughout the region to advance their philanthropy, and connects with professional advisors to share the many ways in which the Foundation can be a resource for their charitably minded clients, including through the use of complex gifts and estate planning. He especially enjoys sharing the Community Foundation story throughout the region, with community groups and all those with an interest in bettering their respective communities. Brandon is a thoughtful leader and lifelong learner, who strives to better our community and region through his work, both professionally and personally. 

When Brandon’s not working he enjoys exploring the Commonwealth, visiting different communities across the state, with his wife Jessica and their two sons, Carter and Grayson. Currently, Brandon serves as chair of the Hopewell Emergency Crew and as a board member for the Lamb Center for Arts and Healing. Previously, he served as Chair and board member of the Hopewell Downtown Partnership.

Curtis Shifflett, Philanthropic Advisor, Philanthropic Services

A key member of our Philanthropic Services team, Curtis regularly meets with current and prospective donors and families to help them achieve their charitable goals. Curtis also stewards donors who’ve decided to create a legacy of philanthropy through estate gifts, and he assists local nonprofits with managing their endowment funds at the Community Foundation. Curtis brings a wealth of experience in the nonprofit and academic sectors to bear in problem solving and enjoys helping donors find their passion.

When Curtis is not working, Curtis and his wife have three awesome children (aren’t they all) and live in Hanover. Aside from the obvious joy one takes in family, Curtis is crazy about coffee, soccer and cars. He’s owned a bunch of cars; if you can guess how many, he just might buy you lunch.


Our Next Speaker


Our Next Speaker