Our Next Speaker

Sean Sublette - Chief Meteorologist of Richmond Times-Dispatch, “Weathering the 21st Century”

When Virginians look for their trusted news source, they turn to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. In print and online, we reach more than 515,000 people in the Richmond area every week. Born and raised in Richmond, Sean Sublette became chief meteorologist at the Richmond Times-Dispatch in 2021. 

After graduating from Varina High School, he earned his degrees in meteorology from Penn State, then went on to work briefly for a government contractor at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in suburban Washington.  From there, he returned to Virginia to work as a broadcast meteorologist for the next 19 years at the NBC and ABC stations in the Roanoke-Lynchburg area. 

Ready for a change in the 2010s, he moved to the Northeast and worked for the non-profit science communications organization called Climate Central for the next 6 years, helping other broadcast meteorologists introduce the scientific understand of climate change to their audiences. 

He now produces regular weather videos for Richmond and statewide and writes a national climate column twice a month.


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