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John Jones - Virginia Sheriff's Association

John Jones is the long serving Executive Director of the Virginia Sheriffs' Association, having served in that capacity since 1977. John is a graduate of Virginia Commonwealth University in Administration of Justice and Public Safety and a former adjunct faculty member of Germanna Community College. John started his public safety career at a very young age of 16 as an emergency dispatcher for the South Hill, VA police department before 911 systems existed and was responsible for dispatching law enforcement and emergency services to rural south side Virginia.

He currently manages one of the most influential criminal justice organizations in Virginia with 122 sheriff and 8,500 deputy sheriff members. His primary responsibilities include managing the legislative priorities for Virginia's sheriffs and deputy sheriffs, with hundreds of bills and budget amendments passed due to his efforts. His other duties as executive director include delivery of two annual professional/training conferences to sheriffs and deputy sheriffs featuring the latest in trends and recent legislation.


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